Party with Patrick is entering its second year in many quilt shops and, if you're not partying with us, here's what you'll be missing out on in April :(
But, if you're one of the many who have been asking and hoping for an online version of Party with Patrick, you're about to get your wish.
We realize many of you don't have a shop in your area that is a participating member of the club so we've been developing an online party for you. We still have a few details to iron out but it's looking as though the club will operate much like Party with Patrick operates in quilt shops.
If you choose to party with us, you'll get a new project each month along with a couple of recipes, blank recipe cards for your personal use, and stationery designed to coordinate with the month's theme. We'll even be offering kits you can purchase to complete the projects using my personal fabric choices!
That's the bare bones of it but I just wanted those of you who are anxious to know that we're not ignoring you. There's a lot going on and we're just figuring out the logistics on our end. Please speak up and let us know if you want to be on the invitation list here.
So, check back here from time to time or, if you want to be involved with a fun group of partiers right from the start, join in the conversation here and on the Party with Patrick fan page.
Back to the drawing board.....
We realize many of you don't have a shop in your area that is a participating member of the club so we've been developing an online party for you. We still have a few details to iron out but it's looking as though the club will operate much like Party with Patrick operates in quilt shops.
If you choose to party with us, you'll get a new project each month along with a couple of recipes, blank recipe cards for your personal use, and stationery designed to coordinate with the month's theme. We'll even be offering kits you can purchase to complete the projects using my personal fabric choices!
That's the bare bones of it but I just wanted those of you who are anxious to know that we're not ignoring you. There's a lot going on and we're just figuring out the logistics on our end. Please speak up and let us know if you want to be on the invitation list here.
So, check back here from time to time or, if you want to be involved with a fun group of partiers right from the start, join in the conversation here and on the Party with Patrick fan page.
Back to the drawing board.....