Sunday, December 28, 2008
Happy 2009!
I'm actually working on some new designs and some of them are even holiday designs for next year! The new pattern I'm finishing up today, though, is bright and tropical and makes me wish for an island vacation. I'm anxious to show it to you so I'll be hurrying to get the samples made.
In the meantime, if I don't get back to you before then, have a wonderful New Year's Eve/Day and I wish you only the very best in 2009! Be safe.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Let it Snow!

But I have to say that my favorite part of the trip was that I got to see snow! Everyone on the crew thought I was crazy when they saw how happy I was when the snow started falling but I truly miss it (see the disclaimer below). I’m from Des Moines, IA, originally, and have lived in the Phoenix area for the past 8 years so I don’t get to see it too often. I especially miss it at this time of year and it wasn’t easy putting up my Christmas tree a couple of weeks ago in 80 degree temps. I’m sure many of you think I’m nuts, too, but Christmastime always seemed to be snowy when I was a kid in Iowa. Memories of sledding and snowball fights and building snowmen and snow forts are what I try to bring to mind when I’m designing for the holidays and winter. Of course, snow has its ugly, dark side, and I’ve been witness to that also. I simply choose to repress those memories.
Whether you’re working on a wintertime or holiday project or not, this is the perfect time of year to shift your quilting into high gear. If your world is snowy and cold right now, use it as your inspiration to catch up on all of your quilting projects in the works! And, this is the perfect time to resolve to make more time for quilting in 2009.
Disclaimer: Snowfall must be in small, aesthetically pleasing amounts, during the holiday season, not accompanied by bitter cold, and gone, for the rest of the season, by the time I wake up in the morning on January 2nd.
Monday, December 1, 2008
My house looks like Santa Claus threw up all over it....
But I did manage to get some more time in with the grandkids this weekend. They spent the night with me on Saturday and we put up lots of Christmas decorations inside and out! (Can I tell you how much sheer willpower that takes when temps are in the 70's?) I love this photo I took of Lauryn helping to decorate the tree.

Lily wasn't quite as much help. But I think she's developing a creative streak. When she came across some gift containers with rope handles in the many boxes of Christmas stuff, the first thing she said was "purse". She picked up Pooh and slung a "purse" over her arm and headed for the door saying "bye-bye". She knows the drill. Here are a couple of pics of her with her Christmas purse collection. Of course, the Christmas footies were a must to complete the ensemble!

Thursday, November 27, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Bring on the holiday pounds!
Patrick :-)
Monday, November 17, 2008
New patterns added to online shop

New jammies :)
Sunday, November 16, 2008
So, please tolerate the "Christmas at the Circus" look that's going on and I'll keep working on it.
Update: Some of the colors are looking better so now I'm wondering how I can get rid of those ugly wrenches and screwdrivers. Smile. Even though I'm a control freak when it comes to aesthetics, I'm kidding about that....mostly.
Okay, that's all I can do for now. At least there's some color to it and it's looking like the holidays :)
Have a great day and thanks for looking in on me :)
Monday, November 10, 2008
My 2 cents (that's about all I can afford!) ;-)

I have 8 new patterns that we displayed samples of at market and told shop owners that they would be available sometime after the first of the year. But I was so motivated by their response to the new ones that I had to get them done as soon as possible. So I buckled down and put a couple of other things on hold and for the most part, 5 of the new patterns are done and in stages of going to print. They should all be shipping by November 24th. If you’d like to take a look at the new designs, Click here.
I have my own belief about the state of our industry in these times. And from what I witnessed at market, I’m not out of line. Yes, the economy sucks right now in so many different ways to so many different socioeconomic groups. But in times like these, people aren’t willing to give up all of their creature comforts. We’ll still spend money to entertain ourselves especially when times are tough and we need an escape. But it’s easier to let go of those dollars when we’re not only entertained but when we also have something to show for it in the end. To us, quilting and crafting is entertainment that we don’t have to feel guilty about. Those hours we spend making ourselves happy with our favorite pastime yield a wonderful and useful finished product also. And, at this time of year, our creativity and ingenuity also come in handy when it seems like the list of gifts we’d like to give is out of our reach, financially.
So, when you take a look at my new patterns or any of the wonderful things our industry’s designers are still cranking out, keep in mind how quickly you can make a set of placemats or a table runner or a door banner for a friend or family member this holiday season. And those kinds of gifts are heartfelt and remembered and useful long after something like a cashmere sweater or the latest and “greatest” piece of electronics becomes obsolete.
On that note, I hope you’re enjoying the “gearing up” to the Holidays as much as I am. I hope that’s obvious in all of my new holiday/winter designs.
Happy quilting to all and thanks for looking in on me :-)
Monday, October 20, 2008
Ready or not...
So, I promise to give you a rundown as soon as I get home and collect my thoughts (and clean my house). Wish me luck with the new patterns!
Thanks for looking in on me :)
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Missing My Girls
Market preparations are making me a little crazy. Things like ordering carpet and electricity for my booth take a well-deserved back seat to designing and creating samples. With everything that's going on to get ready, I've still managed to design and make the samples for another 3 new patterns. That's the part I enjoy and I think it will be obvious when you see the new stuff...very fun!
But I need to take a couple of days to get my act together and to fold LOTS of new patterns for the orders I've received in the last couple of days. Thankfully, Katie tells me she'll help when she gets home and Lauryn, budding businesswoman that she is, always helps if there are dollars involved. She's a big help and the time we spend folding patterns together is great for catching up and talking about school. She's a very busy fourth grader and she'll be the first to let you know.
Well, the sewing machine is "nagging" so I better get back to it. I hope all's well with you!
Monday, September 29, 2008
I need your input!

There's something in the works that I'm going to "leak" a little bit so that I can get your thoughts. A local shop owner approached me about starting a "Patrick Lose Club" for quilt shops and their customers. Clubs are nothing new but we think we can put together an original one with a lot of fun ideas and perks for the people who love using my patterns and fabrics. What would appeal to you in a club of this sort? What I want to know is this: Are you more interested in getting existing patterns or occasional offers of patterns and fabrics at a reduced price? Or would you like to have access to exclusive club-only pattern and craft designs? Do you like attending party-like events and classes at your favorite local quilt shop? Would you participate in online aspects of the club (coupons, a forum, blogging, downloading designs)?
I have LOTS of ideas! In fact, the only reason we can't just start it up right now is that we need to weed out some of the ideas so we aren't bombarding you all at once with everything. If you have ideas for my club that you'd like to share, please contact me or comment here. That will help us to know what YOU want and keep us from weeding out something you'd like. And, if you want my club in your local shop, the best thing to do is to contact the shop owner and have them contact me with their ideas and input.
Rest assured this won't be your average, ordinary quilt shop club. And I'd like you to be involved from the beginning as a part of our little "focus group"! So get your thoughts together and let me know what you think.
Thanks for looking in on me :)
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Still under the weather...
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
What happens in Vegas...
I decided to pack up some work and get in the car to go visit a friend who lives there. I've been teaching him to quilt and he's been helping me get some samples made for Market. I needed the break anyway. It was so invigorating to work with the ladies at Cotton Fields Quilt and Knit last Thursday that I couldn't stand the thought of going back to working by myself at home over the weekend. This was the perfect getaway for a bit of a "working" vacation.
Yesterday, we decided to check out a couple of the quilt shops in the area and it was a great afternoon! Quiltique was the first one on the list. (You can click the names of the shops to go to their websites and take a look around for yourself.) What a cool shop! Jan and Bob and their daughters Jennifer and Kara (I hope I spelled that right) have put together a beautiful space for quilters to see all that they have to offer...and it's a huge offering including Bernina sewing machines. They were worried that we showed up during a remodel/expansion but it made no difference to us. Not only is the shop beautiful but the staff is so friendly and helpful, too. They also picked up a few of my patterns so you'll have another place to shop for their shop when you visit or online when they get it all set up. Be sure to visit their website to see what I mean.
Next, we headed to Boulder City (near Hoover Dam) to a shop called Fiddlesticks. This was another great surprise. It's located in a beautiful old, historic district. We spent a good deal of time there just chatting and laughing with Merry, the owner, Kathy, and Jan. Merry also picked up some patterns and already has a little display set up in her shop. They're another great bunch in another beautiful shop that you have to add to your list of shops to visit when in the Las Vegas area. I'm so glad we took the time to go to both shops and I think we may take another couple of hours this afternoon to visit more in the area. The hospitality here, alone, has been worth the trip.
It's nearly 6 p.m. and, despite feeling HORRIBLE from a nasty sinus infection I picked up over the weekend, we hit 3 more Las Vegas shops this afternoon. I'm so glad I didn't give in to my pounding headache and pass up the chance to see The Christmas Goose, Fabric Boutique, and Nancy's Quilt Shop. Las Vegas has not one or two but FIVE fantastic quilt shops for you to visit. I'm not just being PC here. I kept thinking we'd eventually walk into a shop that didn't quite measure up but each and every one of them was as enjoyable and had as much to offer as the one before. The key to their respective successes was obviously the fact that they understand and cater to the needs of their customers.
The Christmas Goose is a great shop in the "country" category. After looking around awhile at the many bolts of fabric and samples I felt like I was in a shop that occupied an old building like Fiddlesticks. But it was just the owners' attention to the ambience of the shop that gave that feeling because it's located in a newer shopping center. They did a great job and have a knack for mixing brighter contemporary colors in, quietly, with the usual country palette they offer.
I was blown away by the amount of samples on display at Fabric Boutique and Nancy's Quilt Shop! There were quilts and wall hangings and any other quilted thing you could imagine hanging everywhere....all beautifully done. Both of these shops are bright and colorful with lots of fabric and a huge selection of patterns. Nancy's also has a section of the large store devoted to knitting and her customers that love it.
The most important thing, to me, about all of these shops is the way we were welcomed into them by a friendly and helpful staff and we felt completely at home. I'm thrilled that every one of the shops picked up my patterns so I hope you'll take a look at their sites and turn to them if you're in need of something you cant find in your local shop!
I'm looking forward to coming back soon but I better get back to work because I have to head home to Phoenix in the morning. Thanks for looking in on me :)
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Break time
Tomorrow is the big Project Party at Cotton Fields Quilt and Knit in Avondale, AZ. Be sure to visit their website. Mary and her staff are a great bunch and very knowledgeable and helpful! I'm really looking forward to it. We'll be working on the projects for a new book I'm doing with C&T Publishing for Fall 2009.
That's all for now. Break time is over :) Back to work!
Thanks for looking in on me.
Friday, September 12, 2008
To market, to market...
This isn't my first rodeo but it's the first time I've gotten a booth for myself and that I'm taking on all of the details and preparations (not to mention all of the expense) myself. I wanted to wait until my pattern line grew enough to be more marketable to the shop owners who attend. With the blast of all of the new holiday patterns, it looks like it's big enough to take a stab at it. The orders have been coming in and growing on a daily basis and I have to say a big "thank you" to everyone who's been buying my patterns and books!
The thought of "I've bitten off more than I can chew" set in almost immediately and the to-do- list is horrificly long. Besides having to decorate a reasonably appealing booth, including making (or finding help to make) all of the booth drapes out of my new fabrics, there are so many samples of my patterns to make. I'll be spending the weekend doing some of that. I haven't had a free weekend in awhile but I don't even care. I'm pretty pumped about doing this and about how all of the hard work, and long hours seem to be paying off. I love what I do and it makes it even better when it's so well received. So thanks, again, for helping me get my line off the ground and wish me luck at market!
I know you'll understand if the blog updates aren't too frequent in the meantime but I'll try to get a word in now and then. Thanks for looking in on me :)
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Bright Christmas

Friday, August 29, 2008
Dedicated to grandmas everywhere

Monday, August 25, 2008
Another busy weekend

Some of the gang at Cotton Fields Quilt and Knit here in the Phoenix area will be getting together with me for another Project Party like the last one we had with the ladies from Quiltz. I'm sure this one will be as fun as the last and I'm really looking forward to working with some more talented quilters from the area on this next book.
A Patrick Lose Christmas is selling very well so it sounds like a lot of you are gearing up for the holidays already. That's great news and now you'll be able to find even more Christmas designs in the quilt shops or on my website. For those of you who aren't quite ready to start Christmas quilting just yet, check out my Halloween designs.
There are still quite a few more holiday and winter designs coming so stay tuned! Thanks for looking in on me :)
Friday, August 8, 2008
Introducing "Wintry Welcome"
I designed Wintry Welcome during one of the hottest weeks here in Phoenix recently...temps around 115 every day. It's not hard to figure out why I had snow on my mind.
This new pattern is a great one for anyone new to satin stitch appliqué. There are a lot of straight lines but enough curves for "turning" practice. Satin stitching in black rayon embroidery thread from Robison-Anton gives this guy a "cartoony" look. I used an opalescent white thread to quilt the entire piece in a loopy meandering path that gives the impression of the snow blowing around. It makes a great door banner for all of the winter season...not only the holidays.
I hope you like him!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
A sneak peek

I know my friend Jami, back in Iowa, has tried to post a comment to the blog and it wouldn't allow her to. I had no answers because I'm oblivious. But I decided to look around my settings and, lo and behold, it was set to only receive comments from members. I hadn't even paid attention to whether or not there were comments because I was getting emails and that was fine with me.
I've changed the settings and, if you'd like, you can now make posts to this blog and maybe we can get a little interaction going among us. Of course, if the spammers start bombarding me, the settings will be changed back. But, in the meantime, feel free to be the first to comment.
I also found out that I could create a link to allow you to email posts to your friends. So, if you know someone who might be interested in what I have going on here, please send them a link to join us. The more the merrier.
Here's a bit of a tease. The guy in the opening photo is coming soon. Check back later for the whole picture! :)
Thanks for checking in on me and for being patient with the "oblivious guy".
Monday, August 4, 2008
More on the way....

Starting out this entry is another "teaser" photo of the next pattern coming. Give it a click to see the pattern cover. It's not quite ready to ship but should be by next week along with a couple of others. I'm still really excited about all of the new things I've been doing. I have project designs that are already quilted and piled up waiting for me to get the instructions written. It's hard to shift gears when I'm in "design mode" and go from the sewing machine to the computer. I'm gonna have to find some good quilters to make some of the samples for me.
Of course, I'll keep you posted on what's going on. Keep in mind that, if you don't hear from me for a few days, I'm at the sewing machine instead of the computer. And that's good! You can also keep in touch or just keep up by visiting my website here.
Oh...and thanks for all of the questions and comments about Lily! She and Grandpa are back to work together now that Mom has started back to school. Besides being here lots already, she'll be here with me a couple of days a week while Mom and Dad are at work and "Sissy" is at school. They're on an alternative calendar at the school where Katie teaches and Lauryn is in 4th grade now. Lauryn was really excited to get back to school (back to friends!) but it made for an awfully short summer
Thanks for looking in on me (us) :-)
Friday, July 25, 2008
A New Pattern!

"Happy Haunting!" includes the pattern and detailed instructions for creating the two 20x28" (please ignore the wrong measurement on the front cover) Poster Quilts shown in satin-stitched and raw edge appliqué (click on the photo for a closer look). The main quilt features two of my favorite characters I've ever designed for Halloween. They first appeared on one of my most successful collections of Halloween fabric. "Frank" and "Drac" make a great pair of beggars night greeters on your front door in this fast and easy-to-make quilt.
The second quilt is even easier featuring all raw edge appliqué and free motion quilting over the surface. Make one for yourself and one for a, friend!
If you'd like to take a look at my other patterns and books that are available click here.
I'll get back to the machine and finish up some of the new designs. Wait til you see how many Holiday/winter ones I have coming :) It's been awfully busy around here and you'll see why soon.
As always, I'd love to hear what you think of this one. It's your feedback that drives me on to the next design.
Thanks for looking in on me :)
Thursday, July 10, 2008

I've actually completed 5 new projects for patterns and I'm in the process of getting them photographed for the pattern covers. Then, I'll design the covers so they can be sent off to the printer and the process of writing the instructions continues. I can't show you the projects just yet but, so far, there are two Halloween projects (both included in one pattern!) and 3 new Christmas projects. That's a teaser photo at the beginning of this entry :) I'm hoping to have them all available early to mid August. I hope you'll check back for the release date!
I've been using my new fabrics in a lot in these projects and I've also used some of Robert Kaufman's Kona Cottons. I have to say, these cottons are beautiful and a pleasure to work with! They're so crisp and full of body. Back in my fashion days, I would have grabbed yards and yards of it in different colors to make shirts for myself! They're beautiful and durable for quilt bindings and I love the perfect crease you get when pressing the binding fold. Be sure to get your hands on some..especially the Jet Black.
Speaking of bindings, I have one that's all ready to be sewn onto a holiday table runner so I better get to it. I hope all is well with everyone and that you're enjoying your summer. Cheers!
Sunday, June 29, 2008

I've got some instructions to write and then I'm going to spend the rest of the night finishing one of the new projects. So, that's all for now. Thanks for looking in on me.
The photo, above, was taken by Everett W. Gibson of Tucson, AZ. Although I joke about the weather here, it can be beautiful sometimes.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Forging ahead
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
It's HOT!
It's still better than having to deal with the flooding that has ravaged Iowa and the midwest again. I was there for the floods of '93 and it's devastating. My heart goes out to all of the people affected.
On a lighter note, I wanted to let you all know that, if you take a look at the Robert Kaufman site for my Kona Colorworks yarn-dyed fabrics, there is now an option to click to view the fabrics by color story. Move your cursor over each print to bring it forward and get the information for it. I think it's a cool way to present it and thought you might like to take a look.
Other than that, I'm finishing up the manuscript for my book and starting on some new patterns! I LOVE using the new fabrics and will let you know as soon as I have new things to show you. Thanks for checking in on me and I really do appreciate all of the emails. Don't forget to send photos of anything you've made from my patterns or fabrics too! I'd love to add them to my website. Have a great day!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
"A Patrick Lose Christmas" is in.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Busy, busy, busy...

I'm back to work on my latest book for C&T Publishing and cranked out almost 3 of the 10 projects over the weekend. That's a great testimonial to the fact that the projects for this book are truly fast and easy to create (which is what I wanted to offer in this one).
It's less than 2 weeks now until the release of A Patrick Lose Christmas. I hope you'll consider it as an addition to your personal quilting and crafting library...just in time to start on the projects for the 2008 holiday season. If you plan to order from me, please be sure to email me now and I will hold a copy for you!
Spring Quilt Market took place in Portland, Oregon a few weeks ago. I was surprised that even though attendance was low I've been filling lots of pattern orders! I'm glad to have a Canadian distributor now. On top of that, I got some great news yesterday from my friends at Robert Kaufman Fabrics. I was worried that the low attendance would mean low sales of my new fabrics but everyone was surprised at how well they sold despite the attendance! The samples for my Kona Colorworks yarn dyed fabrics didn't arrive in time to make sample folders for presentation so they weren't even really shown at market yet they still managed to sell thousands of yards by showing bits and pieces to several customers! If you visit the page by clicking above, please note that the color stories are grouped by name (Garden, Bermuda, etc.). RK is working on adding an option to view all of the fabrics by color families.
Satinesque sales are off to a great start also. You can see the entire introductory color range here. I can't wait to see photos of the things you make using it. Please be sure to email your photos to me and, with your permission, I'll post them on my website! One of the projects I made over the weekend is a July 4th banner and I wish I could show you how great it turned out using the Red, Ivory, and Navy Satinesque colors. You'll have to wait until we're closer to the release date of the next book though :( I'll be sure to show you the newest version of my "Merry" pattern that I'm making entirely from Satinesque when I get it finished.
I better get back to working on the book projects as the deadline for finshing them is getting close. I know I'm forgetting things that I wanted to tell you here but check back often and I'll post as I think of things. I'd love to hear what you think of the new fabrics!
Bye for now...
Monday, June 2, 2008
Updates coming soon...
Here's a teaser!
Thanks for looking in on me :)
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
On The Road Again
I'm anxiously awaiting word on how Spring Quilt Market went in Portland this past weekend and will let you know as soon as I hear details. I'll try to update the blog from the road. Have a great week!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
What a day!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008
"A Patrick Lose Christmas"

But this book is full of fun stuff including a recipe for a "Caramel Christmas Mix" that I always make a boat load of to have around to snack on during the holidays. (I just got a craving for it and that usually doesn't happen until about November.) I'm anxious to get the book into stores so you can start working on your Christmas projects for this year. Believe it or not, it's time to get started on them again. Where does the time go?
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Happy 1st Birthday, Lily!

I was on my way to the airport that day to go to Salt Lake City for Spring Quilt Market when I got a call from my daughter, Katie, who was at a check-up with her doctor. She told me that they were going to keep her for awhile to do some tests but that everything was fine and that I should go ahead and fly out. After all, Lily wasn't due until June 2nd and Katie and Toby had just gone to their first childbirth class the night before. But I just knew I shouldn't have gotten on that plane.
When it touched down in SLC, I had a message on my phone that I was going to become a grandfather that day. I couldn't get off the plane fast enough to find another flight back home. Nothing was going to keep me from being there! I had to wait for my luggage to arrive and take all of my pattern samples to the convention center for the sales reps first and, even though it was a little over an hour's drive there and back to the airport by taxi (in pouring rain, no less), I was on a plane bound for home within 2½ hours of landing. I made it to the hospital with plenty of time to spare and Lily came into the world at 10:15 that night. And my world hasn't been the same since!
It was a great birthday party at her house this afternoon and she got her first taste (and then some) of birthday cake. Take a look at the photos here and you'll see why I won't be volunteering to change any diapers for a few days! What a wonderful day :)
Friday, April 25, 2008
A Busy Week

I haven't told you all yet but I will be representing The Warm Company on a couple of television shows coming up. I'm taping two episodes of Marth Pullen's Martha's Sewing Room in May. You'll have to check back to find out what projects/products will be featured.
I love working with The Warm Company and have used their Warm & Natural batting and Steam-A-Seam fusible adhesive products for years. They're great products and great people to work with.
I'm going to use the weekend to refresh and revive and then it will be back to work on Monday. Have a great weekend!
Friday, April 18, 2008
Project Party

Be sure to visit Quiltz if you're in the Phoenix area! It's a great shop with a super friendly staff and the very best that the quilting industry has to offer in fabrics, books, and notions. You'll see lots of beautiful samples on display also.
I had a great time and hope we can all get together again soon!
Monday, April 14, 2008
The new book is underway...
I thought it would be fun to organize a "project party" and get some quilters together to work on the projects. It's a good way to test the patterns by having some objective artists help put them together. What a fun and talented bunch!
I had a great time and it's really nice to meet more local artists to work with. We're going to take up where we left off again tomorrow morning and I'm really looking forward to it. I'll post some photos of our project parties soon. But for now, I have to get back to work finishing up some of the patterns for the projects we're working on tomorrow.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
I'll try to get some more of the colors represented but, as I said, there's a great range of 29 popular introductory colors. Hopefully, they'll be in your local quilt shop by summer!
Back to the drawing board.....
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Pattern Kits

They've kitted my Halloween Hideout and Merry patterns and have done well with them. Owner, Chris Sass, also carries some of my fabrics. If you're looking to buy a kit, visit their shop online. If you're a shop owner, I hope you'll consider adding my patterns to your line of kits!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Thanks for the feedback!

I'm still planning on getting some of the additional colors of "Satinesque" and some of the other Kona Colorworks stories posted but I'm in the middle of working on three new patterns and I'm in a bit of a time crunch.
I will be taping 3 TV spots in May and also have to get the projects for those designed and made. Not to mention all of the projects I need to get done for my new book with C&T Publishing. (Yes, I'm starting on another and I'm really excited about it.) Last but not least, there's all of the fabric designs in my head that need to be painted so that I can keep you sewing and stashing them!
I promise I will update in the next couple of days!
Cheers :)
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Updated website

If you're a shop owner in Canada, I'm happy to say that I now have a Canadian distributor of my pattern line! Contact Quiltsource Canada to order. Other distributors include Checker Distributors and Quilters' Resource. Of course, you can also order directly from me :)
I hope you're having a great weekend. It's 82˚ and beautiful here in Phoenix!
I'll try to get some links added for you to see more of the Kona Colorworks weaves soon.
Thursday, March 27, 2008

Another highlight of this week has been putting the finishing touches on my new book from C&T Publishing. A Patrick Lose Christmas comes out in June.
That's all for now. Back to the drawing board.....
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Fabric news....

If you've been to my website and visited the "Fabrics" page in the last few months, you'll know that it was "under construction". That's mostly because I've been working on so many things lately that I haven't been able to share yet.
Well, I can finally give you a peek at my newest fabric print and I gotta tell you that I haven't been this excited about a print since my "Sunstreaks" for Timeless Treasures came out.
Robert Kaufman Fabrics has asked me to develop a collection for them that I call "Mixmasters". It promises to be a wonderful assortment of blenders and basics. The debut print is appropriately named "Satinesque" because of it's resemblance to the reflective ripples in puddled or pooled satin. It will be introduced in 29 beautiful color ways for all of my fellow "color junkies" out there!
If you'd like to take a look, go to the website and visit the "Fabrics" page.
I'm thrilled with the depth, texture, and "motion" that the print conveys and I can't wait to get my hands on the actual goods! I'm sure all of you quilters can imagine the dimension that could be achieved by doing some free-motion quilting over this fabric.
The best part of this news is that it's only the tip of the iceberg. I have lots of new fabrics and projects in the works and I can't wait to share them all with you! So...stay tuned :)
Monday, March 24, 2008
It's About Time....
This is my first real attempt at a blog so please be patient. There's a lot to learn and little time in which to learn it. You wanted to know more about me, my work, and my inspiration but I'm sure you'd rather I spend more time designing than blogging.
So, when I get this all figured out, I'll take a stab at giving you the information you want. In the meantime, please visit my website at to see my latest also!